STI Euro Stopper Surface Mount (32mm) Multi Kit with Sounder - STI-15C20ML
STI Universal Stopper Surface Mount with Sounder - STI-13120FR
These indoor and outdoor low profile or dome polycarbonate covers protect devices such as manual call points, emergency buttons and dual action pull stations etc., without restricting legitimate operation. The versatile cover offers excellent protection against physical damage (both accidental and intentional), dust and grime as well as severe environments inside and out.
When used on fire systems, Universal Stopper is intended for areas where the incidence of false fire alarms from manual call points is high or has proven to be a serious problem. Any disadvantage of the device is more than balanced when one
considers the consequences of false fire alarms, especially if fire service personnel and equipment are responding to a false fire alarm when they are needed for a real fire somewhere else. Add to this the disruption to the facility when false alarms occur. If you have, or may have, a problem with false fire alarms or physical/weather damage to your fire alarm activation devices, the Universal Stopper could prove invaluable.